
OCT Wuhan Theme Park

An invited competition by Metamode. OCT are China's largest and most innovative theme park corporation and are now ranked number 4 in the world by attendance. In 1989 OCT created 'Splendid China' in Shenzhen, it was a theme park that showcased Chinese culture and included 25 'village'

Marylebone Loft

Ashton Porter interior projects specialise in high quality finishes and detailing. We use carefully selected materials and products from our extensive studio library which has developed over many years experience of testing through a range of successful built projects. Bespoke details are developed in house for each


An international open competition. Awarded Runner-up Prize Judged by Michael Sorkin and William Menking. 339 Lafayette Street is the spiritual home of the peace movement in New York, and is affectionately known as the PeacePentagon. The War Resisters League, Paper Tiger TV, The Women's International League for

Nanshan Cultural Centre

An invited competition by Metamode. A proposal for a new Gallery and Cultural Centre for Nanshan, a district in the Shenzhen special economic zone. Nanshan, traditionally known as Nantou, was is a traditional fishing village focussing on the oyster and pearl industries. The port of Nanshan was

Guggenheim Helsinki

The proposal takes inspiration from three key localised aspects of differing scales. The first scale refers to the local city grids of central Helsinki, the second to the edge that forms the peninsula that marks the metropolitan area of Helsinki and the third to the

Maison Modele

Ashton Porter were invited by the "Peripheriques" group in France to submit a design for a 499,900FF low cost prototype. Sponsored by the French Government the project was exhibited under the title of "36 modeles pour une maison" at the "arc en rêve centre d'architecture"

Slide & Slot House

An extension to a locally listed house. The existing house formed part of long C19 terrace created as workers cottages for the Ordnance factory in Enfield Lock, North London. The terrace is located on a thin strip of land sandwiched between the River Lea and


A studio located in a typical Victorian suburban garden. The main studio facade that addresses the garden floats above a glass panel and forms a screen to separate the work space of the studio from the domestic garden. The typical green suburban garden is replaced

Prop House

A rear and side addition with internal remodelling to a typical 1930’s suburban detached house. An eroded corner is propped with a cantilever structure that creates a new floating facade which incorporates a hanging steel structure to frame views of the garden. The house is set