
Underwing workshop

A small pottery studio located on the side addition of an 15th century barn. The wing is believed to originally have been an open animal shelter attached to the original oak frame barn on or about the time of its original construction. The barn is

Slide & Slot House

An extension to a locally listed house. The existing house formed part of long C19 terrace created as workers cottages for the Ordnance factory in Enfield Lock, North London. The terrace is located on a thin strip of land sandwiched between the River Lea and


A refurbishment to a Grade 2* listed house in East Sussex. The house, known locally as 'The Georgian House' was later remodelled by Edwin Lutyens under Norman Shaw. Shaw's work was notable for its neo-Adam decorative plasterwork and Lutyens remodelled for Shaw in the style

Box Wing House

A rear addition, landscape and internal remodelling to a Grade 2 listed house in East Sussex. The existing listed house is an amalgam of different eras of building. There are 3 key built elements defined by their time periods. The original house, buried within the core